How to Manage Alcohol Cravings and Hangovers Effectively

How to Manage Alcohol Cravings and Hangovers Effectively

Excessive intake of alcohol is associated with a higher risk of several acute and chronic conditions. The severe symptoms of alcohol hangover can prevent you from focusing on important tasks during the daytime. 

It may also reduce your workplace performance and affect your productivity and efficiency by creating an adverse impact on the cognitive functions of the brain such as memory, attention span, and focus. 

Moreover, regular intake of alcohol may also affect the functions of your liver putting you at a risk of chronic hepatic disorders such as liver cancer, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. It is possible to avoid the impact of alcohol on your liver health and general well-being by using the natural herbs and compounds listed below. 


The symptoms of alcohol hangover are marked by the imbalances in the levels of electrolytes and minerals in the body. Hence, it is important to replenish these minerals to restore the normal bodily functions. 

Researchers have found that minerals like chromium can play a key role in promoting faster recovery of patients experiencing severe symptoms of a hangover. The use of supplements containing chromium is also recommended for inhibiting the complications linked to alcohol intake. 

This mineral possesses natural detoxifying properties. It would enhance the ability of the liver to break down and eliminate harmful metabolites of alcohol such as aldehydes and provide faster relief from hangover symptoms. 

Chromium would also support the normal physiological functions of the liver and reduce the risk of hepatic diseases. Hence, it is advisable to include chromium-based supplements in the treatment of patients who are undergoing alcohol de-addiction programs. Chromium can act as an essential co-factor in the body's metabolic processes and restore the normal physiological functions including the breakdown of sugars thereby reducing the intensity of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. [4]

Including supplements containing chromium in the de-addiction program can reduce the urge to consume alcohol and improve your chances of successful withdrawal. 



Dihydromyricetin (DHM) is the extract obtained from a Japanese Raisin plant. It has been used as a natural anti-alcohol herb for hangover cure in Chinese and Korean traditional medicine for centuries. 

Recent studies have suggested that DHM could lower the alcohol level in the blood significantly and protect the liver against damage due to the metabolites released during the breakdown of alcohol. 

DHM is basically a flavonoid that possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and anticancer properties. It has been found to be effective in minimizing the impairment in the motor coordination, disoriented or slurred speech, and confusion that occur following the consumption of alcohol. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective properties of DHM would protect the liver against damage and reduce the risk of alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. [5]

Including supplements containing DHM in the alcohol de-addiction and hangover relief plan could provide faster and better results. The majority of the symptoms of alcohol intake are attributed to the accumulation of a toxic by-product of alcohol called acetaldehyde in the body. One research study has found that Dihydromyricetin could lower the acetaldehyde levels in the blood and thus, prevent the symptoms of alcohol hangover. It can also help the body metabolize alcohol faster and more efficiently, thus preventing hangovers.

Another study has found that DHM may prevent alcohol-induced muscle relaxation and reduce the lack of muscle coordination commonly associated with a hangover. [6]

Research studies suggest that dihydromyricetin has the potential to reduce the intensity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome including anxiety, irritability, tolerance, and seizures. It may also reduce the craving for alcohol and thus, improve the chances of successful withdrawal and de-addiction. [7]


Solanum Paniculatum

The extracts of the plant Solanum Paniculatum, also called Jurubeba, have been found to be highly effective for supporting the recovery of patients experiencing severe hangover symptoms. 

It would regulate the breakdown of carbohydrates thereby preventing the symptoms of a hangover such as confusion, headaches, and drowsiness. It would also create a sense of relaxation and enable the person to sleep well. These effects of Solanum Paniculatum could help reduce splitting headaches and enable a person to feel fresh and alert in the morning.  

Research studies have revealed that this plant possesses powerful hepatoprotective properties that could help inhibit damage to the liver cells due to alcohol and other harmful toxic metabolites. 

Regular use of the supplements containing this herb could be beneficial during alcohol withdrawal. It may reduce the symptoms of withdrawal such as anger, irritability, and trembling of hands by regulating the body's metabolic and detoxification processes, improving the hormonal balance in the nervous system, and promoting the cognitive functions of the brain. [8]


Pueraria Montana

The use of Pueraria Montana is recommended for patients undergoing an alcohol de-addiction program. This herb contains a natural antioxidant and a variety of isoflavones including puerarin, daidzin, and daidzein. 

These compounds have been shown to reduce alcohol consumption. Regular use of this herb has been found to bring about a significant reduction in the quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption by reducing the craving for alcoholic beverages.

It is believed to act as aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 inhibitors, the synthetic versions of which are being investigated as the potential medications for reducing the chances of relapse in abstinent alcoholics. 

This suggests that Pueraria Montana could not just relieve the symptoms of alcohol hangover but also support successful withdrawal and de-addition. [9]


Chanca Piedra and Milk Thistle 

Chanca Piedra and Milk Thistle are specifically revered for their ability to protect the liver against damage by the metabolites released during the breakdown of alcohol. 

These herbs would reduce the risk of alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis by acting as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and anti-carcinogenic agents. They would also support the recovery of patients suffering from alcoholic fatty liver disease and minimize the risk of complications linked to alcoholism such as insulin resistance, obesity, and liver carcinoma. [10] [11]



Glutathione is a natural antioxidant that can protect the healthy tissues from damage due to free radicals and other toxins. Glutathione can act as a scavenger of harmful free radicals and reduce the risk of complications of chronic alcohol abuse. 

It may also counteract the effect of persistent alcohol consumption such as imbalances in insulin production and fluctuating blood sugar levels thus restoring the healthy metabolic processes. [12]



Research studies have shown that the administration of 5-HTP (5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan) could be effective for reducing alcohol intake and inhibiting seizures during alcohol withdrawal. 

These therapeutic effects of 5-HTP could be attributed to the ability of this compound to restore the balance of hormones in the brain and improve mood. It may also reduce the risk of depression and mood disturbances, enabling patients to avoid relapse after successful de-addition. [13]

Natural supplements containing a combination of these herbs and compounds would provide more effective and lasting relief from the symptoms of alcohol hangover than modern drugs that only help to suppress the symptoms. 

Herbal remedies possess a natural ability to reduce alcohol craving and relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal by promoting the normal bodily functions. 

Modern treatments, on the other hand, reduce the symptoms only temporarily without providing any long-term benefits such as protecting the liver and reducing craving for alcohol. 

Hence, it is advisable to choose natural supplements to avoid alcohol hangover and addiction and prevent the adverse impact of alcohol consumption on your general health and well-being. 


[4]Joris C. Verster, Sterre A. Vermeulen, Aurora J. A. E. van de Loo, Stephanie Balikji, Aletta D. Kraneveld, Johan Garssen, and Andrew Scholey, Dietary Nutrient Intake, Alcohol Metabolism, and Hangover Severity, 2019 August, doi: 10.3390/jcm8091316, PMCID: PMC6780234, PMID: 31461972
[5]Yi Shen, A. Kerstin Lindemeyer, Claudia Gonzalez, Xuesi M. Shao, Igor Spigelman, Richard W. Olsen, and Jing Liang, Dihydromyricetin As a Novel Anti-Alcohol Intoxication Medication, 2012 January, 32(1): 390–401, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4639-11.2012, PMCID: PMC3292407, NIHMSID: NIHMS347893
[6]M Yoshikawa, T Murakami, T Ueda, S Yoshizumi, K Ninomiya, N Murakami, H Matsuda, M Saito, W Fujii, T Tanaka, J Yamahara, Bioactive constituents of Chinese natural medicines. III. Absolute stereostructures of new dihydroflavonols, hovenitins I, II, and III, isolated from hoveniae semen seu fructus, the seed and fruit of Hovenia dulcis THUNB. (Rhamnaceae): inhibitory effect on alcohol-induced muscular relaxation and hepatoprotective activity, 1997 February, 117(2):108-18. doi: 10.1248/yakushi1947.117.2_108, PMID: 9084227
[7]XianjuanKou, NingChen, Pharmacological potential of ampelopsin in Rattan tea, 2012 December, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 14-18,
[8]Science Direct Article
[9]Ashwin A. Patkar, Douglas M. Burgess, Medication for Cravings in Substance Use Disorders, 2013, Pages 527-542,
[10]Nathanael Y. S. Lee, William K. S. Khoo, Mohammad Akmal Adnan, Tanes Prasat Mahalingam, Anne R Fernandez, Kamalan Jeevaratnam, The pharmacological potential of Phyllanthus niruri, 2016 June,
[11]Raghdaa Hamdan Al Zarzour, Mariam Ahmad, Mohd. Zaini Asmawi, Gurjeet Kaur, Mohammed Ali Ahmed Saeed, Majed Ahmed Al-Mansoub, Sultan Ayesh Mohammed Saghir, Nasiba Salisu Usman, Dhamraa W. Al-Dulaimi, and Mun Fei Yam, Phyllanthus Niruri Standardized Extract Alleviates the Progression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Decreases Atherosclerotic Risk in Sprague–Dawley Rats, 2017 July, doi: 10.3390/nu9070766, PMCID: PMC5537880, PMID: 28718838
[12]C Loguercio, P Piscopo, C Guerriero, V De Girolamo, D Disalvo, C Del Vecchio Blanco, Effect of alcohol abuse and glutathione administration on the circulating levels of glutathione and on antipyrine metabolism in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, 1996 August;56(5):441-7. doi: 10.3109/00365519609088799, PMID: 8869667
[13]A K Halladay  1 , G C Wagner, A Sekowski, R B Rothman, M H Baumann, H Fisher, Alterations in alcohol consumption, withdrawal seizures, and monoamine transmission in rats treated with phentermine and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan, 2006 April;59(5):277-89. doi: 10.1002/syn.20239, PMID: 16416445
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