Dr Elisheva Neffinger, ND
Dr. Elisheva Neffinger is a licensed naturopathic physician who is passionate about helping patients along their wellness journey. As a doctor, Dr. Neffinger believes that patient education is the most important tool to inspire positive change and create a foundation for lifelong health.
Dr. Neffinger graduated with honors from the University of Bridgeport, where she earned her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. She served as student-body president and co-founded an annual initiative to provide female exams and testing to underserved women in the area. She is board-certified and has an active physician’s license in the state of Connecticut. She is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
Dr. Neffinger is a native of Western Massachusetts and received her undergraduate degree from UMass Amherst, where she studied Sustainable Food and Farming in addition to her pre-med studies. During her undergraduate studies, she worked as a nurse aide in a hospice, and also spent three years working with tick-borne diseases at the Laboratory of Medical Zoology.
Dr. Neffinger lives in West Hartford. In her free time Dr. Neffinger loves to get outdoors, exercise, cook, travel, and try new foods.